Barriers to fertilization, methods of overcoming incompatibilities

Barriers to fertilization:-
>Prevent the fusion of male and female gametes. 
> It limits effective utilization of the hybrids. 
> Self Incompatibility.
> Very frequent in inter-specific and inter- generic hybridization program.
Major Fertilization Barriers:- 

1. Temporal and spatial isolation of species:- Non synchronous flowering of the parental species due to different agro-ecological or geographical background. 
Methods to overcome:- 
i. Early / staggered sowing 
ii. Suitable photoperiodic treatment 
iii. Vernalisation

2. Pre-fertilization Barriers:- Prevent Fertilization.
a. Failure of pollen germination on stigma:-
i. Unilateral incompatibility (UI):-
> Incompatibility operates in one direction, whereas the reciprocal cross is successful.
> The crosses show incompatible when an SI species is used as a female parent (SI x SC). 
> For active recognition of the pollen, Self-incompatibility inhibition is necessary. 
ii. Inhibition on the stigma surface:-
> Result in the arrest of pollen germination or pollen tube entry into the stigma.
Factors:- Lack of effective adhesion, full hydration and pollen germination factors.
Techniques to overcome:-
i. Effective pollination:- Pollen must be transferred to the correct place and at the correct time. Pollen must hydrate properly.
ii. Mentor pollination:- Pollen which is fully compatible with the intended seed parent.

b. Insufficient growth of pollen tube in style:-  
> Causes:-
i. The arrest of pollen tubes in the stigma. 
ii. Long style of flower. 
> Arrested pollen tubes show abnormalities like:
• Thicker tubes. 
• Excessive deposition of callose. 
• Swollen tips. 
• Branching of tubes 
> Growing pollen tubes utilize styler nutrients. Arrested pollen tube growth is the inability of the pollen tubes to utilize styler nutrient.
Techniques to overcome:-
i. Reciprocal crosses.
ii. Mentor pollination.
iii. Use of plant growth regulators.
iv. Pollen may have to be applied in a medium favoring germination. 
v. By pass stigma and style completely and apply pollen directly to the ovule.

c. Failure of male gamete to unite with female gamete [Cross incompatibility]:-
> Inability of the functional pollens of one species to effect fertilization of the female gametes of another species is referred to as cross incompatibility. 
> The failure of male and female gametes to unite to form zygote in interspecific and intergeneric hybrids is known as cross incompatibility. 
> This is major problem in distant hybridization.

3. Post-fertilization Barriers:- Prevent Embryo Development.
a. Failure of zygote development:-
> In some wide crosses, fertilization occurs and zygote formation also take place. But, the zygote does not grow. 
> Inability of a hybrid zygote to grow into a normal embryo under the normal conditions of developement is known as hybrid inviability. 
> Causes:- 
i. Lethal genes. 
ii. Lack of chromosoamal homology. 
iii. Disharmony between nuclear and cytoplasmic gene.
iv. Unfavourable interaction between embryo and endosperm.
b. Hybrid sterility:-
> The inability of a hybrid to produce viable offspring.
> This problem is more severe in intergeneric crosses than in interspecific crosses.  
> Causes:-
i. Lack of structural homology between the chromosomes of two species turn in to non-pairing or reduce pairing. 
ii. Structural chromosomal aberration.
c. Hybrid breakdown in F2 or later generation:-
> In this f1 plants are vigorous and fertile but become sterile or weak in f2 or later generation. 
> Causes:- 
i. Gene combination:- Unfavorable combinations of dominant and recessive genes breakdown due to segregation and recombination 
ii. Structural differences:- Structural differences in the chromosomes, gametes with deletion and duplication
d. Insufficient growth of Hybrid plants:-
> Flower shedding.
> Delayed maturity of fruits.
> Chlorophyll deficient.
> Seed abortion.
> Due to unfavourable interactions between Genes of two species.
Techniques to overcome:-
i. Choice of parents:-
- Which are crossing competible.
- Having chromosomal similarity or homology (so that atleast fertility can be restored).
- Choose the parent from:
i. Primary gene pool 
ii. Secondary gene pool 
iii. Tertiary gene pool
ii. Reciprocal cross:- The interspecific cross of black gram as female and green gram as male was not successfully reported but the reciprocal cross was found successful.
iii. Modification of ploidy levels:-
- Eg: If Parent A having 2n=24 chromosome number & Parent B having 2n=12 cromosome number than first, 
- In some cases haploid is produced. Or In some cases the semisterile f1’s chromosome is doubled for restoration of fertility. Doubling of chromosome
iv. Modification of pistil:- Use short styled species as female If, 
Maize♀ × Tripsacum ♂
- Because of the pollen tube of Tripsacum have not enough growth to reach due to long style of maize.
v. Mentor pollination:-
- The pollen which has been purposefully treated is called mentor pollen. 
- The compatible pollen is treat: 
i. To improve its fertilization ability.
ii. To retain power to stimulate incompatible pollen to accomplish fertilization.
vi. Bridge species:-
- Example: If there was two genotype A and C can not directly cross then genotype B which can cross with both A and C is used as bridge species. 

vii.Chemical treatment of the pistil or pollen:- Use of Growth Regulator.
- Eg. N. tabacum does not hybridize with N. rependa. But this cross is possible when IAA applied to pedicle of flowers in a lanoline paste 
It cause:
i. More rapid pollen tube growth 
ii. Longer pistil viability 
- Vigna radiata x Vigna ambellate. EACA (immunosuppressant) applied before pollination.
- Interspecific crosses in cotton. IAA, NAA and GA3 applied to crossed buds to Prevent shedding and Use of growth regulator.
viii. Embryo Culture:- 
- Isolation & growth of an immature or mature embryo in vitro, with the goal of obtaining a viable plant. 
- The first attempt to grow the embryos of angiosperms was made by Hannig (1904) from two Crucifers Cochleria & Raphanus.
ix. Protoplast fusion or somatic hybridization:- Development of hybrid plants through the fusion of somatic protoplasts of two different plant species/varieties is called somatic hybridization.
x. Grafting:-
- Carried out in horticultural crops. 
- In which stock and scion is used.